coversating with my new alien freind I FOUND OUT HE TALKS!!

On: Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.

You: you are welcome

Alien: May I ask you a few questions?

You: Ofcourse!

Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?

You:central park my house is a mess you should not visit it.

You: What is your planet like?

Alien: round with water and land with a lot of stores.

Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with eachother. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at eachother! Why is that?

You: i guess is that they think were strangers and we feel we can't talk to strangers although it will be nice to meet new people.

You: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?

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