2 truths 1 lie

On: Thursday, September 16, 2010

i was in D.R i played a basketball game with a 40 year old man, i won 27 to 30
“They said playing basketball would kill me. Well, not playing basketball was killing me” *Earvin Magic Johnson by OrangeRy ~ Sara
i was in D.R and i fell off a bike and and rolled down a hill for like 5 minutes!!
Steel Bikes Yea! by sandersonjack15
i was here in new york and i was running and ran into a pole and had a huge bump for like 3 days.Pole beach. by DJ Bass

3 comments on "2 truths 1 lie"

cristal said...

raymond es un ignoranto.

lahana said...

Hmm...I'm guessing the lie is the first one. 40 sounds pretty old!

asanchez188 said...

I think the Last one is a lie. The other two you were in Dr and in the last one you were in new york.